Letter to the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Fumio Kishida

Letter to the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Fumio Kishida

The Oirat-Kalmyk People Congress is looking forward to holding preliminary meetings and consultations with representatives of the Japanese authorities.

Aug 17, 2023

August 17, 2023

To the Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Fumio Kishida.

Your Excellency, Mr. Prime Minister!

The Oirat-Kalmyk People Congress has the honor to address you and testify to you and in your person – to all the people of Japan our sincere respect and admiration for the outstanding heritage, culture, achievements and successes of the Japanese society and state in many spheres of human life!

The Oirat-Kalmyk People Congress is a legitimate representative political body elected by the Chuulhn-Congress of the Oirat-Kalmyk people on May 29, 2021. As such, it has the right to represent the interests of the Oirat-Kalmyk people, which is the titular nation on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia. At the same time, the Oirat-Kalmyk people are unfree and oppressed by Russia. According to the act of the U.S. Congress 86-90 of July 17, 1959, the term Captive Nation is used for such peoples of the former USSR and modern Russia.

Republic of Kalmykia is a national state within Russia as it is proclaimed in the Constitution of Russian Federation. However, the current Russian government have deprived the Republic of all constitutional powers in violation of all laws and their own Constitution.

The Oirat-Kalmyk People Congress is in opposition to the authorities of the Russian Federation, condemns Russia's aggression against Ukraine and Russia's chauvinistic, prohibitive and discriminatory policy towards non-Russian peoples. The Congress defends the right of the Oirat-Kalmyk people and other non-Russian peoples living in what is now Russia, on self-determination, secession from Russia and the formation of an independent state.

Since the beginning of Russia's war against Ukraine, Congress has demanded the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of sovereign Ukraine immediately and expressed its solidarity with Ukrainians, who defend their freedom and independence. After that, due to life-threatening persecution, the leadership of the Congress were forced to leave their Homeland.

At present, we are fighting for our Republic to secede from the Russian Federation and gain independence. It is in this that we see the main condition for the preservation and further development of our people, who have experienced the repressive pressure of the state, the threat of assimilation and have been victims of Moscow's colonial policy and genocide. That is why the Congress has adopted in 2022 the Declaration of State Independence of the Oirad Kalmyk people, which sets the course for the formation of our own free democratic sovereign state.

We are determined to fight for our just demands and we are inspired by the undoubted and outstanding modern achievements of the Japanese nation, which it has been steadily generating uninterruptedly for the past 70 years!

The Oirat-Kalmyk People Congress welcomes and supports the historic act – the Decree of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recognizing the Southern Kuril Islands as Russian – temporarily occupied territory! In addition, members of Congress support Japan's desire to return the territories of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands illegally seized by Russia.

We expect that when Oirat-Kalmyk people declare a new independent state – the Republic of Oirad-Kalmykia, one of the first countries with which diplomatic relations should be established will certainly be Japan. Kalmykia, as the only Buddhist Republic in Europe, will welcome with cordiality and sincere friendship the long-awaited guests and partners from the Land of the Rising Sun in the future!

Now the Congress is developing various programs aimed at supporting and developing the economy, solving acute problems in the field of ecology, drinking water and energy, which will require comprehensive mutually beneficial relations with developed world powers. These issues require comprehensive approach in cooperation with the developed countries of the world. We are sure that it will be of great use to our people to learn the richest experience of Japan, who has achieved amazing success in the economy, science, technology and in the sphere of social policy, which is recognized throughout the world.

Taking into account the above, we appeal to you, Your Excellency Prime Minister, with a request to draw the attention of the Cabinet of Ministers and the expert community of Japan on the possibility of establishing mutually beneficial relations with an independent Oirat-Kalmyk state in the near future.

It should be also taken into account that the Republic of Kalmykia has access to the Caspian Sea, holds huge reserves of oil, natural gas, uranium and other mineral resources, and occupies a territory that is of great geostrategic importance at the intersection of roads and West-East / North-South trade flows.

We hope that our expectations and sincere desire to establish long-term relations and cooperation will meet a complete understanding and a ready response from potential partners in countries with developed democracies and modern economies, including Japan.

The Oirat-Kalmyk People Congress is looking forward to holding preliminary meetings and consultations with representatives of the Japanese authorities.

We wish you, Prime Minister, and the entire Japanese people good health, security, well-being, endless development and prosperity!


A.Sanjiev, Chairman of the Oirat-Kalmyk People Congress

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Declaration on State Independence of the Republic of Kalmykia


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