Freedom for nations! Freedom for individuals!
On July 13, a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation was signed in Kyiv between the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Banderivites) and the Oirad-Kalmyk People’s Congress.
On July 13, a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation was signed in Kyiv between the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Banderivites) and the Oirad-Kalmyk People’s Congress.
Every year, on the third week of July, the whole world supports the nations held captive by empires and undemocratic regimes.
Free Nations League held rallies in Europe and the United States. The organization, which unites representatives of the national and regionalist movements of the nations held captive by Moscow
To introduce into the text of the law Public Law 86-90 Captive Nations Week Resolution the names of the nations held captive by Russia, a list of which we are ready to present separately
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